Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 3: end of the marathon

Wake up get to the table around 11am. Get to the table, there's a couple older gentlemen around me and there's a couple that are drinking, I busted the one chick out on friday and she was pretty nice. There's a big stack next to me that was playing pretty tight.

2nd hand of the day. I have ajs in the bb, button raises to 15 and i call, he was in position.

Flop is all spades and i have the nuts. I check call 50, turn check raise all in after he raised 100. He thought about it for a while and let it go. I shouldve slow played it. He had 250 behind that i couldve gotten probably if i checkd the river, just didn't want to give him a chance to hit an house, I was thinking he had two aces, I blocked 1 of them, giving him 1 out, to bad.

Played a while longer, donked that money i won back chasing some monster nut draws that didn't get there. Left 50bucks up for the session and drove home.

All in all it was a great journey, made some friends, made a few bucks..... Drank and ate well, and learned some things about myself in the live setting in a casino.

Comapred to playing in a lot of home games were the games are fun and light hearted unless the pot goes over 65 or so. Players are pretty std in these home games where people don't get out of line to often then there normal styles. So playing with an entire group of new people, stacks vary from 100-1000 a lot of times, and in a new environment is interesting and fun.

Next time i'm going to get a little hotel room down the road, and drink and smoke less. Play a little more dice, and no bj, i might try to talk to some ladies that' the only i'll be trying to get from that sort.


Oh and this week I will be playing tonight in a live game, tomorrow i'm having a game at my place, and thursday will be playing, and friday saturday I'm not sure but might go to the casino. Need to get back into the swing, and this will be one hell of a ride.

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