Friday, June 20, 2008

Opening up to new Games, and playing where i'm a favorite

Yesterday after work I was thinking about my busto online bankroll. Why can't I win, I ask myself. Is it my short bankroll that just can't cover varience. Am i playing against better players in the cash games that I play? Are the mtt's i'm playing in just to swingy or to expensive for my bankroll. Is playing omaha killing any chance I have to make it playing online poker?

All these questions had various answers. My bankroll is something that I cannot really control besides playing at a stakes and grinding it out to build it up. With my job I just realized I loved it, I don't work all day, right now i'm blogging and talking about my various poker playing while watching the final table of the Limit HOldem event where Kid Poka takes it down. Drinking my free starbucks coffee and eating my free strawberry nutragrain bar. The boss is gone today, so i will be watching all the events on espn 360 today while waiting to go home and play in a slew of 3.40 sng's as i did yesterday. I should have a pick of 8 tables of these sng's.

So when it came up what can i do to build up and win some money and build a br I thought of some games where I knew I was a favorite and I could Isolate the Donks. Thought about all the different games I've played over the years and with my starting 25 br. micro stake cash games, i lose about 80% of my skills with this game and should rather play roulette or bingo to make money there. What about micro plo, there's good money there but you probably need a decent bankroll to do well in that because 5 buyins can happen instantly in plo vs people worse then me. So what is there? mtt;s? To swingy can't do that. I'm a favorite in these low buy in up to $20 bucks or so mtt's but playing in a couple isn't going to get me far 4/5 times. So where do the donks line up to give me there money? the 3.40 turbo sng's, 9,18,45 player sng's is the place where I new i would be the best player and with my very small br I could run somewhat bad but cover varience for the most part. I would open up 4 tables, 2 18 player and 2 45 player turbos. Each time I would bust out getting my money in ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.