Thursday, May 29, 2008

What can I do to make myself an online winner

let's go over some strengths and then the long list of weaknesses or leaks in my game.

What am i good at:

Aggression- usually am able to fire the 3rd bullet against a low pair missed flush draw oppnent with my busted flopped open ender. And blind stealing along with blind defense is pretty good and i am becoming more comfortable with 3 betting steal attempts.

Table reads- last night I was able to put player on pretty good range of hands even though it was a small buy in sng. There playing pretty abc, weak tight and i was able to pickup on there betting patterns and show downs and pick up some pots because of scare cards and the position I was in.

Texture understanding- putting different players on different hands based on there checks and bets from position has helped me get out of the way with top pair and make my steal with 3 high based on a number of things.

Understanding table dynamics- following the flow of the game and understanding what effects recent events will have on future play. Aka the short crazy stack that was pushing every time now just tripled up with a gut shot straight draw. Is he going to tighten up now that he has a hand, how will the other players perceive him. Will the continue to call his raises and pushes light or will they back off and let him steal. Was he on a rush before, and is he going to do it again. By looking at what happens in the next few hands I will be able to tell what his play is going to be like with a big stack and how everyone else views him. And ill do what I can to take any free or hard earned money from understanding that situation.

Tilt- Live i rarely ever tilt, for me tilting live involves call raises out of position with a10, or kj. There bad plays and sometimes it will get me into a little trouble, but overall I have pretty go head on my shoulders and can keep the dark thoughts down to a whisper. Online it's a little easier for me to tilt, in the plo session where i lost 100 in a matter of 20 minutes, it was playing a little higher level then i'm used to, not hitting any draws, hitting hands and no action. So i forced a little more action and chased a little more. And that cost me, overall thinking about it in my mind I think that I did run poorly, but that is no excuse, I chased and was playing over my head, and that cost me and there is a lesson learned.
Play withing br, play within skill level, and be patient, you don't have to win the world in one hand.


Patience: always trying to force a little action, or make it exciting to some extent.

Ego: sometimes i go way to far with a mid pp because i put the guys on overs with no pair and I lose a decent amount.

Concentration: When I play live I win, no ands ifs or buts. My win rate is pretty strong live, even when i am card dead now I'm still able to maximize with what I have and make the proper steals or value bets. Online I play a min of 2 tables but most of the time it's 4 or more. This in it's own is a reason why I believe i'm not winning online as I should. Yes I have Pokertracker and Pokerace hud so I have real time stats and have a pretty good idea of the ranges of the hands people will play and there betting patterns and tendencies. But in that I usually don't have a good understanding of the table flow and or dynamics as I do when I play one table live.

I think what needs to happen is to play one table at a time and bitch slap that need to always have action and always be entertained. I know it's going to be more of a grind if I play one table of low-micro stakes. But i'm fairly sure that I will turn my hourly rate up overall and build my online br. We shall see in the long run if this will allow me to become an online winner. Playing in mtt's single table sounds like pulling teeth, but I have to make sacrifices and do what I can to beat these games and turn them into something I can profit from.

As a good pro friend of mine said: When you play professionally for a living it's boring. A lot of checking and folding and waiting for the other guy to make the mistake and pay you off with tptk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are on the right track. Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses is a huge part of the game. Also the table may be boring if you are not involved in a hand but I feel there is always something to be learned by watching the other players involved. Try and pick up one new thing from another player everytime you are not involved in a hand. Focusing on that may alieviate some of the boredom.