Friday, July 25, 2008

Time to get Down and Dirty

So the job could be ending sooner then later, Still in the mix for the house, and will probably still get it. But without a job I will have to get some crappy 9-5 job, or finally make the jump to playing full time. Thinking about playing online during the day, 50max nl full ring with a slew of mtt's until 9pm, then go to the poker rooms all around las vegas and do what i can till early in the morning. THe funny thing living on the west coast is that the online games get good around noon. Must be the europeans or someone that i missed before as I would only start playing around 4pm central time.

There are leaks in my game that usually get squashed when my back is to the wall, as it is now. I have no idea what my future at my current job is as things are getting rougher everyday. My poker playing has been great or junk, little tilting esp when playing some 1/2 with a friend against super donks and not laying down nut straight to a river pair.

I believe that if i buckled down, stopped gambling, get my reads together, and put all the math together I should be able to beat the 1/3,2/5 games at will. There are good games here, I just need to luck out and get to one or two once a week. I've been at one table that was good so far, a 1/3 500max nlhe game at the palms on a saturday afternoon. One guy with 1.4k was drunk and splashing and I had no balls to take it away from him with tptk and a good kicker with a 100 raise in a 60 pot. Another guy played all the way down to the river with any two and i only got 100 off of him. The rest I've had to earn, play pp's and slow play big pairs vs aggros. But a lot of the time there are goign to be decent players at the table and for me to beat the rake and make a living i really need my ducks in a row. I know a lot of people are going to say that 2/5 players are pretty bad, but I have been surprised by some good calls, good laydowns, and even a slow roll here or there by what seemed like ur average player. The games must be good here, I just need to be able to minimize my losses during bad cards and bad tables, and maximize any edge when things are good.

Money is tight, after a dollar bad beat of 500 bucks for a week rental being under the age of 25(two more weekss). Things are extremely tight. Still need most of my things back from chicago and a car here, but I will buckle down and start getting my head right and beating up on some tables, playing good tag opening and check raising weakness as much as I can. Need to figure out the best way to approach these games, some times they call for splashing around seeing flops with donks, other times it's just waiting for a big hand and having someone overvalue there overpair or tptk.

Things will hopefully be coming together soon. I finished read em and reap by joe navarro and phil hollywood helmuth, pretty good but it needs a couple more reads to take verything from it. ALogn with that i'm going to finish hoc1 and hopefully that will get my mind back to where i was studying everyday and playing everyday and in a good state of always learning and playing my best.

It's somethign I know I can do, I just need to break down and get my ass into gear. Needing about 2k a month for basic expenses needs for me to play some grade A poker all the time, and a bankroll to cover some crazy varience. I don't have much now, but i'm ready for the challenge and Do this for a living. Any advice would be fantastic.



Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The pool is boiling, so I jumped in: Kmon IN Vegas

So I made the jump, the pool is warm, or more like boiling. It's 113 degrees as it usually is. I'm at work reading up on my nvg, blackjack, and email. Thought i should let everyone know what is the word with your man Kam. The donktastic check raising nit that always has a line and can rarely walks it.

So I moved to Las Vegas just about a month ago, got a job and had to start somewhat immediately. Haven't had a chance back to get most of my things. But so far in the poker world things are pretty good. Ran pretty bad when i got here and stuck about 2k, Recently have been playing pretty solid and hitting some decent pocket pairs that have been holding up against mid pp's of short stacks. Some 2/5, 1/3, and a 5/10 in there that was very interesting.

Getting a house out here in 2 weeks that will be my first home that i will buy so I'm excited. The games are pretty good if you are patient and wait for some fish to swing by. Played in some rough games, soft games, crazy games, and a lot of rock/nit games.

Started also playing a lot of blackjack, counting with progressive betting an a couple other things has shown a decent profit.

SO i'm here now, things are looking good and i'm excited to get everything rolling.

Let me know if you want me to discuss some of my blackjack play and studies or anything about vegas. I'm learning the ways of sin city slowly as i work 6 days a week and still in transition stage.

Thanks and talk to you guys soon.